Nolasco, et al vs. Paño
G.R. No. L-69803
October 8, 1985

The present case was subject for resolution.

Supreme Court  held in a criminal case that the arrest of the petitioners was illegal, annulling the decision of respondent Judge Paño, and that the seizure of the items by virtue of the warrant by the same respondent judge are inadmissible as evidence in the Subversive Documents case. However the Court held that the items were to be retained in case it would be used as evidence in a separate criminal case pending before the Special Military Commission No.1, returning the rest which are determined irrelevant by petitioner.

Petitioners questioned the portion of the decision regarding the retention of the properties seized. One of the petitioners also assailed the respondent’s claim that the search was incidental to her arrest for the crime of rebellion.

Whether or not some of the properties seized may be introduced as evidence in a separate criminal case.

CASE DIGEST: Nolasco, et al vs. Paño

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Monday, July 2, 2012

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