G.R. No. 152295            July 9, 2002
Montesclaros, et al vs. Comelec, et al


Petitioners sought to prevent the postponement of the 2002 SK election to a later date since doing so may render them unqualified to vote or be voted for in view of the age limitation set by law for those who may participate. The SK elections was postponed since it was deemed "operationally very difficult" to hold both SK and Barangay elections simultaneously in May 2002. Petitioners also sought to enjoin the lowering of  age for membership in the SK.
Whether or not there was grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction imputable to respondents.


Case Digest: Montesclaros, et al vs. Comelec, et al

Posted on

Thursday, November 22, 2012

  1. I'm not even in law school. I'm a political science student and I regret that I let the chance to shift to another course slip by. Ugh. Thanks anyway.

    1. It's never too late. When it comes to your dreams, never say die. :) I wish you well in life.
